

I want to operate here in a legal way. Should there be any disagreements, so please, please tell me about and don't call an expensive barrister at first.

You will need a few time, if you want to visit my projects. Don't hurry, enjoy my sides!

If you find such a symbol on several sides you can click at it. It's a switch for music-demos. If you click at it, a new page would be opened and a flash-player will be started. It depends on your internet connection speed how long it lasts until the demo is loaded. The demo start automaticly after loading.

- sorry, no demos avaliable at this time -

I'm sorry to cannot present you all of my demos, because §§ legal regulations. It would cost too much $$ money to get the rights for this.

Behind some pictures you will find further pages. Just click left to visit them. Which pictures? Find it out!

Let's have some fun! Smilie shows you extra jokes. He helps also, to distinguish between the reality and fantasy, which are often get close at my projekts.

Here you come to my constantly growing repertoire

Here you come to the autographside which contents all autographs I get from other musicians.

You are missing the "under construction" sides? No problem, this side is always under construction ;-)

Sprache wechseln

If you click on this symbol, you come to the German Homepage

With this tool you can translate the homepage in several languages - but with care, it's an automatical translation. ATTENTION: The Songs cannot be played in combination with the automatic translator. (You have to click two times at the symbol - first click will bring you to the original German side, because the tool better works from there - scroll down there and then click at the symbol again)
